
How to shift your body into high gear with Tools of Titans - Part 1

Mini summary


Tools of Titans is a great book about habits, routines, lessons learned and experiences of top performers. It has become part of my list of books I would recommend to family, friends and colleagues. However, be warned! It has over 600 pages.


My key lessons from the first part "Healthy" of Tools of Titans:

  • There are really enough exercises using your own body weight - so you do not necessarily need a gym
  • Try fasting, intermitted fasting and the ketogenic diet - especially the latter one requires a bit of introduction and research before starting
  • Our body is capable of extraordinary things like hiking in freezing cold only wearing shoes and shorts (Wim Hof)
  • Try AcroYoga!
  • You have three option when doing something not well: (1) Improve, (2) eliminate or (3) delegate
  • Implement a solid morning routine!
  • Take 10 seconds/day to wish for 2 specific people to be happy
  • Defeat occurs regularly unless you don't try hard enough

For more details see below my RAW BOOK SUMMARY with the key takeaways, I found particularly interesting.

about the author

Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur, investor and #1 New York Times best-selling author (e.g. The 4-Hour Workweek). He is a master of what he termed "lifestyle design" and collects the practices and routines from the world's top performers. 



Dominic D'Agostino   //  associate professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morisani College of Medicine, etc., pp. 21

  • Ketogenic diet or just "keto" is a high fat, low carb diet that requires a strict eating regime but offers several health benefits such as fat loss, potential anti-cancer effects, better oxygen usage, etc.
  • Fasting 2 - 3 time a year for 5 days works like maintenance does for your car
  • A 3 day fast can easily be started on a Friday so that the main fasting phase takes place on a weekend
  • Also consider intermitted fasting! This can be done by only having lunch and dinner in order to get a phase of up to 16 hours without food
  • Dom also emphasises the link between fasting and cancer treatment: "Fasting before chemotherapy is definitely something that should be implemented in our oncology wards [...] Fasting essentially slows (sometimes stops) rapidly dividing cells and triggers an 'energetic crisis' that makes cancer cells selectively vulnerable to chemo and radiation."
  • His most recommended or gifted books:


Wim Hof   //  "The Iceman", creator of the Wim Hof Method, holder of 20 world records, pp. 39


This man is so special that I could never briefly describe his special power. So enjoy the video below!


Jason Nemer   //  co-founder of AcroYoga, pp. 46


Also check out the videos below and enjoy AcroYoga ;-)


Slow Carb Diet Cheat Sheet from Tim Ferriss   //   pp. 81

  • #1 Avoid white carbs: pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, etc.
  • #2 Eat the same meals over and over again - low carb can tends to be dull but you can learn to make it fancy if you are willing to invest the time
  • #3 Avoid drinking calories - stick to water and tea
  • #4 Avoid fruits
  • #5 Define a cheat day once per week and go bananas (this serves as a motivational tool but you can also go without)


Paul Levesque   //   14-time world champion in WWE, pp. 128

  • "Kids don't do what you say. They do what they see. How you live your life is their example." Paul Levesque
  • Right before a box fight: "I'm either ready or I'm not. Worrying about it right now ain't gonna change a damn thing. Right? Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen. I've either done everything I can to be ready for this, or I haven't." Floyd Mayweather
  • "[...] if you don't do something well, don't do it unless you want to spend the time to improve it." Paul Levesque
  • "Improve it, eliminate it, or delegate it." Tim Ferriss


5 Morning Rituals to Win the Day from Tim Ferriss   //   pp. 143

  • #1 - Make your bed
  • #2 - Meditate (10-20 minutes)
  • #3 - Do 5-10 reps of something
  • #4 - Prepare tea
  • #5 - Morning Pages or 5-Minute Journal


Chade-Meng "Meng" Tan   //   Google employee #107 and best-selling author, pp. 154

  • Have a buddy to make certain activities, like reading or going to the gym, easier 
  • Just commit to one mindful breath a day as your mindfulness practice
  • Think of 2 people and then think "I wish for this person to be happy, and I wish for that person to be happy." It takes just 10 seconds and brings you "joy of loving-kindness"." Try it!


Other quotes

  • "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I 'll spend the first four sharpening the axe." Abraham Lincoln 
  • "Certainly celebrate the moments of triumph when they occur. More importantly, learn defeats when they happen. In fact, if you are not encountering defeat on a fairly regular basis, you are not trying hard enough. And absolutely refuse to accept less than the best." Christopher Sommer

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