
How to get rich by thinking and acting in a Certain Way

A master piece

This is perhaps one of the lesser known master pieces of the self-development literature. A must-read for everybody resonating with the title. However, don't be shocked by how thin this book actually is - less than 100 pages. Where other authors take an entire chapter, Wallace D. Wattles only requires a sentence or a  paragraph at most. So the contents are extremely condensed and compact.

The summary


Do you make the most out of yourself?


To be good citizens and to wield a positive impact on society we need to develop ourselves, our talents and our souls. This requires an abundant life with good food, nice cloths, warm shelter, books, inspiration, physical and academic training, exposure to new places and cultures, the ability to give, and the like.



Do you do things in a Certain Way?


It is not the environment in which we grow up, nor the talents or abilities that we have. Rich people are rich because they "do things in a Certain Way".



You may be the poorest man on the continent,

and be deeply in debt;

you may have neither friends, influence, not resources;

but if you begin to do things in this way,

you must infallibly begin to get rich,

for like causes must produce like effects.

page 10



What's the aim of the universe?


The universe and nature always move towards more abundance. It's goal is to advance life.



What on earth were you thinking?


The power that creates riches from Formless Substance is Thought. And we all can produce thoughts. So everything that exists was first formed as a thought. And what we do is also a direct result of how we think. Therefore, how we think has a profound effect on how we act and what we achieve.



To think what you want to think is to think the TRUTH,

regardless of appearance.

page 18


The hard work comes when you want to think about riches while being surrounded by poverty, to think of health when being surrounded by sickness. To do this you need POWER and absolute FAITH in the science of getting rich.



Are you a creator or competitor?


God does not want you to be poor! He wants you to be rich to better express himself through your doing and being. Altruism is the same mistake as selfishness.


You need to make the most out of yourself by creating things instead of competing. Do not constrain yourself to the physical supply of the things you desire. Remember that there is an unlimited supply!



Are you grateful for your riches?


After you believe in the Intelligent Substance and that it can give you everything you desire, you must also feel a deep gratitude! The more grateful we are the easier the things we want materialize.


Intelligent Substance takes the form of what we think about. So it is also important to surround ourselves with the best in order to be focused on the best. All the things in our life have helped us advance and we should be grateful for them. Continuously! Also be grateful for the negative things and people in your life. Be grateful for your bad boss as he has certainly helped you to arrive at where you are, on the road to getting rich! Be grateful!



Is it just a dream or do you really want it badly?


Do not pray for what you desire once a week and then forget about it on all the other days. You must want it so badly, that you think about it all the time. It must be easy and bring you pleasure. The more you think about it, the clearer and more specific your mental picture of your desires will become. Start to act, think and speak as if what you want has already materialized. Be grateful, have faith and have the purpose to realize what you desire!



What's the focus of your will power?


Do not use your will power on other people. You do not know what is good for them and what they actually need. It is already hard enough to figure out what you want for yourself. So work on that instead.


All negative impressions swiftly set off your positive impression upon Intelligent Substance.  Focusing on disease will promote disease. Focusing on healthy habits and sports will promote health. So fix your will power on the things you want and do not concern yourself with the opposite.


When it comes to the poor, charity rarely helps change their situation. What poor people need is, in fact, inspiration and the best way for you to help the poor is to be a role model, showing them that it is possible to become rich in a positive way, by creating thing instead of competing with others and keeping them down.



Did you cut everything related to poverty out of your life?


Anything from your past that's related to poverty must be dismissed from your life. Do not talk or think about it! Also ignore the poverty and suffering of others. "Whenever you think or speak of those who are poor, think and speak of them as those who are becoming rich; as those who are to be congratulated rather than pitied. Then they and others will catch the inspiration, and begin to search for the way out. [...] To become really rich is the noblest aim you can have in life, for it includes everything else." p. 47



Do you act in the present?


Thought is force that leads to action. And you must act NOW. If you want to change your job, do not wait to act for the time when you arrive in your new job. Start acting now in your current job and in the present. Think in the present, have your mind in the present. Do not day dream! Only your faith and purpose are concerned with your vision of a better job that makes you rich. 



Hold the vision of yourself in the right business,

with the purpose to get into it,

and the faith that you will get into it,

and are getting into it;

but ACT in your present business.

page 56



Do you more than fill your position?


Advancement at work only comes when you more than fill you place, when you accomplish all your work. Then you can also advance the world with your work. Otherwise you are rather a burden to society, government and business.


If there is something you can do today then do it. Do all that can be done every day. But mind overwork or do tomorrow's work, rather make every act efficient and strong. By doing this you will act in a Certain Way and successful acts cumulate over time.


In your spare time you need to work on your vision. Imagine all the details and contemplate them to get a clear picture of your vision engraved into your mind. 



Are you an expert in the profession you desire?


To be successful you need to have an expertise in a certain field. However, you must want to be in this field. Otherwise, you should consider changing your current professional environment. If you truly desire a new environment, you can learn the skills that are necessary to become success because desire is your manifestation of power. Yet, be patient when you consider changing your profession. Take your time. Contemplate. And when you are in doubt, then rather wait.



Do you desire increase?


All nature, all human beings have a deeply embedded desire for increase - more food, more books, more friends, etc. 



This law of perpetual increase is set forth by Jesus

in the parable of the talents;

only those who gain more retain many;

from him who hath not shall be taken away

even that which he hath.

page 68


You are a creative centre that provides increase to all others. Likewise, others are automatically drawn to you and the Universe, which desires increase, will draw even more people, clients and friends to you.


Boasting about your riches and achievements is a sign of doubt and fear. And when you desire mastery over others you enter the competitive realm!



Are you bigger than your position?


Do not do good work in the hope that you will get promoted. Being satisfied with how things are and doing a good job will make your employer leave you exactly where you are. As in this position you bring the most value to the company.


Only if you become too big for your current position and only if you have a clear concept of your goals and if you have faith in it and really desire it, only then will you get promoted or get the job offer you desired.



God cannot help helping you, if you act in a Certain Way;

he must do so in order to help Himself.

page 75



Are you ready to get rich?


Only when a large number of people practice the science of getting rich, will the masses receive economic salvation.


This means for you:

Speak of yourself and anything you are and do in an encouraging way! Be above fear. Think about the world as evolving and everything that is negative as evolving. And when you fail it is because you have asked for too little. Greater things are waiting for you.

Get the Book Yourself

There are several offerings on Amazon. I selected the one with the cover that attracted me the most (see below). And it was also the cheapest one. If you prefer a perfectly edited edition, then better get one of the many others. But if you don't mind, then click on the cover below and get your copy! If you prefer an audio version then go on Youtube. It's for free. Enjoy!

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  • #1

    Edwin Donald Komakech (Saturday, 01 February 2020 11:07)

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    especially your sub titles.
    im greatly inspired.
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    Thanks for your snackable book review